Good luck, bad luck – who knows?

Paul Egan

Good news bad news – this is not my original story and has been around for some time.

I am not sure who first penned this and thank them for it. But it is a great lesson for us all – it’s about our inability to predict the future – but understand that there is no such thing as good or bad news or good or bad luck. It is simply an event that has happened in the moment and we do not know where it will lead. There may be good or bad from it – it is really up to us to go with the flow and make the most of the situation. So I will leave you with the story in my own words.

There was a farmer who had a son. The villagers said, “you are so lucky to have a son to help you on the farm”, to which he replied “good luck bad luck who knows”.

One day a donkey strayed onto the farm, and the villagers said, “you are so lucky to have caught a donkey to help you and your son on the farm”, to which he replied “good luck bad luck who knows”. The next week the donkey ran away. The villagers said “you are so unlucky to have lost the donkey before ploughing”, to which he replied “good luck bad luck who knows”.

Then the following week the donkey returned with two other donkeys. The villagers said “you are so lucky to have lost the donkey before ploughing and now have it return with two more”, to which he replied “good luck bad luck who knows”.

As the donkeys were wild, his son had to tame the animals before putting them in harness, and in doing so his leg was broken. The villagers said “you are so unlucky to have your son break his leg so he can’t help you on the farm”, to which he replied “good luck bad luck who knows”.

Next day the army came through the village and conscripted all the young men of the village, and because the farmers’ son had a broken leg he was left behind. The villagers said, “you are so lucky that your son broke his leg and was unfit to serve in the army”, to which he replied “good luck bad luck who knows”.

And so the story goes on throughout life. There is no bad luck only different circumstances and events, it is up to you to accept and move to the next best moment and decision. Good Luck!!

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