My first week of recruitment

Rosey McDonald

“Repeat after me: I don’t know what I’m doing. Neither do you. We’re all just making it up as we go along”. This quote brought me great comfort on my first day as I read it from the walls of the Sterning office.

Hi everyone, I’m Rosey, and I’ve just completed my first week working in recruitment with Sterning! I come from a strong HR background, and my employment history revolves heavily around a diverse range of corporate firms and companies. As you can imagine the “corporate wash off” (as Emma would put it) has been a welcome shock to my system.

My first week at Sterning has been what I believe to be a reflection of the Sterning team itself; humble, considerate and of course witty! Stepping into the Sterning office I quickly realised I was joining a team of like minded people, and I am lost for words to describe how excited and grateful I am for this opportunity.

In my first week, Sterning has taught me a lot about the type of company I would hope to one day run myself. Sterning encourages creativity and work life balance, the team identifies your strengths and seek to build your career around them. In my opinion, many companies make the mistake of trying to eliminate their employees’ weaknesses, thus creating a hostile working environment in the process. Since accepting my position within Emma and Bianca’s team, I often reflect upon Emma’s kind words “you’re our first investment. The better you do, the better we do”. These words have resonated with me, and will motivate me in building what I believe to be a successful career with Sterning.

In terms of recruitment, what have I learnt thus far? It may seem simple, but coming from a corporate background picking up the phone does not come naturally to me, everything must be in writing. On any given day I could receive anywhere between 100 to 300 emails. However, my first lesson in my new career change has taught me that a successful recruiter is genuine, and gives their time to build honest and legitimate relationships.

So my goal this month is to pick up the phone, and I would love to hear from you too! Please, call me 0435 855 930, help me break bad habits. Not only do I quite enjoy a good chin wag, but I would very much like to know what kind of career you would like to build, because “the better you do, the better we do”.

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