Spring clean your job search

Emma Egan

Okay – it’s time to come out of hibernation and put the spring back into your job search.

1. First things first, look at your online profile
When you start talking to people they will Google you and find you. What does your online profile say about you?
Megan Dalla-Camina explains in an article about personal branding

“In this age of connectivity, how you show up online is just as important (or maybe even more important) as how you show up to a meeting.”

Dalla-Camina recommended doing a Google search on yourself to find out what is out there on the web about you.

“Knowing what is out there on the web when people are looking for you – whether it is a future employer, a client, or even a new boyfriend – is critical to managing your brand.”

You can read more from Megan Dalla-Camina here.

2. Choose a recruiter to work with
Do your homework – search online for the people that come up in your specialism. Who is talking? Who do you want to represent you?

3. Build an effective relationship with your recruiter
Some things you should know about a recruiter’s day:

  • We spend an average 4 hours a day on the phone
  • 3 hours in face to face meetings
  • We receive anywhere from 300-400 emails per day

So cut through the noise. You must be specific about what you are looking for. You need to be able to influence your recruiter and talk about the benefits and value that you will bring to their clients. You need to be able to influence them so that they, in turn, can influence their client to see you.

4. Fine tune your resume
Make sure your resume highlights your achievements and keep it succinct to make your resume stand out. Provide relevant referees that can back up your achievements.

5. Do some research around types of organisations you would like to work for
Look for organisations that have the same values as you – are they heading in the direction you want?
Are you a change specialist that thrives on “fixing” things? Or, do you like operational roles that are business as usual?
Share it with your recruiter as they can facilitate the right introductions.

6. Have some fun with it
It’s exciting to move to a new organisation, a fresh challenge and an opportunity for you to grow and develop.
We advise people every day on the types of role and organisations that will suit them. Give us a call!

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