Back yourself in

Nakul Pednekar

It’s been just over a year since I went out on my own and it has been a massive learning curve! From the excitement of starting a new business, the frustration with a few bad beats to the struggle to start from scratch in the new year. One thing I’ve learnt though, is to stop trying to adhere to the norm and stick to my guns.

When times were tough, I tried to change my ways and be “disciplined”. That was boring! What has worked for me recently is tracking my activity – at work, with my health and with my spending. I’m doing what I want, but making sure I’m aware of it. And in terms of work, I’m setting targets and keeping brief “to-do” lists to make sure I hit them.

The awareness of how I’m tracking has allowed me to express my creativity and natural instincts. Today, before calling a client I was referred on to, I sat down and thought about their unique requirements. Without having to look at my database/Linkedin etc I thought of 5 candidates that would be a great starting point. Funniest thing is, most of those candidates I haven’t spoken to for almost two years.

Another crazy story is that at 2am last night, I couldn’t get back to sleep and I realised a candidate that was too expensive for one client, had the perfect technical, cultural and bi-lingual background for another client that would be able to meet their salary expectations!

I’m excited to see how the next four months pan out. As always, if you or any of your friends in that data science & analytics industry are open to new roles or building out your team reach out to me on or 0430 327 094. A $500 referral bonus is available on most roles!

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